Monday, June 25, 2012

I have created 8 samples of fine yarn and still hoping that one will jump out at me for the lace scarf. I will say that I am getting more consistent and closer to a balanced 2-ply yarn. Before this I've always been over plied; now I can't seem to plie enough.
Singles are 60-70 wpi. I tried combing the wool but I like the carded results better; they are softer and still retain the sheen probably because I am spinning worsted style.

Sample # 6 carded, spun worsted
Here are a couple of photos of the results.
Hand carded very fine

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Started to work on sample 4 today, but got interrupted and never did finish carding. This sample will be carded then spun worsted style.
Results of sample 3 were that it is slightly underspun and over plied. This is the frustrating part. I think I've done all the correct things to be sure it is plied to a balanced yarn. Must be missing something somewhere.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

I don't know where the time goes, but it is June already. Even though I haven't been blogging, I have been spinning. I began with the fine fleece and have spun three samples: #1. I used a dog slicker brush to prepare the locks and spun worsted style from the tip end. WPI: 56 #2 I used Dutch combs and spun worsted out of the sliver. WPI:76 I under plied again, but tried to fix it this time. Not a good idea. #3 I used Dutch combs again and spun worsted using fewer treadles. Still working on this one. WPI = 62

Saturday, March 10, 2012

More sorting

Today, I finally completed the sorting process. I have some interesting observations:
1. I was able to use the wool grading examples I created when I took the judges seminar at the Maryland Wool and Sheep festival. It was neat to trust my hands and eyes. I think I have enough of fine, medium and coarse to complete the study.
2. Although Aurora is single coated, there were some places (see just behind her neck in photo and near her britch area) that had much longer locks along with the shorter ones. (dual coated?). She is 7 years old and i know fleeces change with age. It is still a beautiful fleece and I love working with it.
3. The is a great variety of length, crimp and color. I hope I can use the natural colors for the jumper pattern and the weaving.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Moving Forward

Well, it's been a while since I've visited here. Saturday we sheared the Shetlands and I have the fleece I am going to use for the IDS. The ewe's name is Can Too Aurora and there is a story about her that I will tell at a later time. I AM very excited about her fleece and know that it will work for this study.

Monday, October 31, 2011

October 31, 2011

I wish I knew what I were doing.
I decided to review spinning so that I can spin nice yarns. I started with some Shetland roving and have been working on medium-fine grist and a soft hand. As I was spinning, I thought about everything else I need to do for this study. I am going to make a list and start working through it even as I continue to work on my spinning. It feels good to be back working towards a goal again.

Spun today: brown Shetland roving commercially prepared, divided, etenuated and spun modified long draw to a 12 count at 21 wpi, but I think I'll want a bit finer, maybe 26ish.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Well, as fate would have it, I broke my leg in August and haven't been able to spin. Boot is off and I am beginning to walk, run, and get into all sorts of trouble. :-)
The good news is that I will be back at the wheel again. HOORAY!!!!